Top elements of a successful landing page

Landing pages serve many purposes, and outstanding website design is essential in order to have the best landing pages, even if they ultimately appear quite simple. With your landing page, you’re trying to entice a visitor to click through to a specific page, make a purchase online, leave their details for an email or phone follow-up, or provide feedback. Some companies use multiple landing pages, each designed to impress those who arrive through search engine results, social media, or any other channel. Having multiple landing pages on your website will allow you to tailor your message to different users.

What do the best landing pages have in common? They build enough trust with the user to prompt them to take the action you want them to, and “convert”. Moving toward a narrower stage of the marketing funnel. The more appealing your landing page or pages are the more conversions you’ll get, therefore, the more leads will be generated.

Top elements of a successful landing page

An outstanding first impression

Good first impressions are crucial for effective landing pages, and the first step towards promoting landing page conversion is carefully developing your headline, sub-heading, and images. Your headline must be brief and capture the attention of your website visitors. Your sub-headings allow you to take the concept of your headline a little further in-depth. Any images you use should be relevant to your message or product, and of outstanding photographic quality.

Solid copywriting

Using WordPress you are not defined to using only text content. It is built to support images, audio, and video content. You can also use it for document or file management.

WordPress supports oEmbed enabled websites which means you can embed YouTube videos, Instagram photos, Tweets, and Facebook Feeds. You can even allow visitors to the website to embed videos in comments.

A narrow focus

With your landing page, you want a specific action, so tailor everything on the page toward gaining that specific action. Don’t overwhelm visitors with choices. In fact, although navigation on the rest of your website should be clear and logical, you don’t need a navigation bar on your landing pages, because they take away from your focus. Likewise, detailed information like your company philosophy is better left to your “About Us” page.

A form of the correct length

In general, the longer the form you ask visitors to fill out for a landing page conversion, the less likely they are to proceed. However, in some cases a more detailed form can help you collect fewer, but higher quality leads. Some companies use data enrichment services that compare form data to that in huge databases and augment it with valid data that has already been collected elsewhere, allowing them to keep forms short.

Users don’t want to relate their life’s story in order to download a white paper.

Your call to action: Urgency and incentive

Landing page conversions depend on a clear call to action that promotes a feeling of urgency and offers an incentive, such as a discount code, a free e-book, or access to restricted content. The call to action should be specific (“Watch the video now” rather than “Click here”) and indicate what the user is going to receive in return for filling in the form and clicking. Colour, size and placement of your call to action button can also affect conversions.

Analytics so you can test and improve

Web design is as important to the deceptively simple landing page as it is to the rest of your site. Accordingly, it should collect sufficient analytics so you can double down on what works, and change what doesn’t. Analytics allow for effective A/B testing of every element, from different headline versions to different images to different colours and placements. If what appeals to visitors changes over time, your analytics keep you aware so you can respond appropriately.

There’s no one template that will give you the ideal landing page. That’s because of the intersection of your brand, products, and visitors are unique. You will most likely develop multiple landing pages to appeal to users arriving from different places. You will need to test them to learn how to fine-tune them for better conversion results. Your web design company should understand the importance of landing pages, how to develop them, and how to test them for effectiveness. Therefore, if you still have not found the right digital agency for you, Made in Scotland would be more than happy to give you professional consultancy and assistance.

Head on over to our contact page or drop us an email at We will be happy to assist you with your project!

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